Weaverville Fire Department Auxiliary
Meeting November 6, 2013 5:30 p.m.
125 Bremer Street
I. Call to Order/Introductions: The meeting was called to order by Tina Scott at 5:30 p.m. Officers present: President Tina Scott, Vice President Bonnie Miller, Secretary Lisa Guglielmina, and Logistics Tania Alvord. Officers Absent: Marjie Watkins. Members present: Larry Horrocks, Herk Emmons, Bonnie Emmons, Bob Miller, Serena Brown, Larry Guglielmina, and Chief Scott Alvord. A new member of the Auxiliary was introduced, Shellie Cato. She is highly educated in culinary arts and will be heading up our Food Services.
II. Approve Minutes of October 2, 2013: MSC Tania Alvord/Bonnie Emmons to approve the minutes of the October 2, 2013 meeting as presented.
III. Reports:
A. Treasurer: Marjie e-mailed Lisa said there is no report.
B. Events: A recorded list of events members of the auxiliary have participated in was read by Tina. Lisa stated that in order to save on the amount of paper and ink used, she will attach agendas, minutes, and supporting documents to everyone’s e-mail each month when she e-mails the meeting reminder. Each member is to print out the information and bring them to the meetings. Any member unable to do so will be provided a copy at the meeting. She also encouraged members to reply to the e-mail on their attendance to the meetings, that way she knows each member received their packets. She thanks Marjie, Serena, Patti, Bonnie M. and Ramona for already doing so.
IV. Action Items:
A. Drawing for Raffle (Flight over Weaverville) Bob Miller donated a Flight for Three people over the Trinity Alps and Weaverville. Tickets were sold at the 50k Weaver Basin Run spaghetti dinner for $1.00 each or 6 tickets for $5.00. We sold $60.00 worth of tickets. Shellie was designated to pull a ticket out of the bag for the drawing: the winner of the flight is ticket #887247, Grant and Rebecca Fletcher. Discussion on a picture taken of the winner with the certificate and publish it in the paper. Lisa will contact the winner.
B. Presentation of Flow Chart: Scott Alvord presented a flow chart of a proposed structure for the auxiliary. It was suggested to change the name from Auxiliary to Support Services. There was discussion on the structure of the chart and a couple of small changes were made. There were several positive comments on the group structure and the fact that it isn’t a separate entity, but part of the Fire Department. Financial help will, then, come from the Department and some from the District, depending on the needs. Fund raiser income will go to the Department and Marjie will still need to keep the financial books for the Support Services side, and the Department Treasurer will keep the books on their side. Scott had presented the flow chart to the Fire District Board Members at their regular meeting and received positive feedback and their support. Lisa checked into covering the Support Services group under workman’s comp through the District and found that it will only cost $500.00 a year for up to 100 members.
MSC: Larry Horrocks/Herk Emmons to change the name from Auxiliary to Support Services, and to adopt the flow chart with the two changes discussed.
C. Appointing Unit Captains: Due to the new flow charts the only unit without a Captain is Technology. Will continue to solicit a Captain.
No action taken at this time.
D. Muster Event: By popular demand, the Fourth of July Fire Departments Muster Event will be brought back after years of interruption. Serena Brown has volunteered to head this up since she was involved in the years past and has some events lined up. As of now, the event is open to the Fire Departments of Trinity County only. In the years to come it will be opened to Departments from surrounding Counties. Short discussion on the events, how much fun it is and how the public loved to watch this event in the past, creating a huge publicity support for the Department.
No action taken at this time.
E. Talk about Holiday Dinner in December (Shellie): Shellie introduced herself again and talked about her impressive and extensive experience and degree in the Culinary Arts. She presented a wonderful menu for the Department Christmas dinner, and passed around sign-up sheets for prep work, cooking, clean-up, and pies. She presented a proposed monthly dinner theme for the 2014 year for the Department dinners. Short discussion on the holidays, appreciation dinner, and the summer pool party. A couple of changes were made to the 2014 schedule of dinners. There was short discussion on a bigger freezer needed to plan meals for incidents.
V. Unit Reports:
A. Logistics: (Tania) – We have our new Food Support Captain, Shellie. We need to go through the kitchen and overhaul it with getting rid of items not needed, cleaning from top to bottom, and making a ‘wish list’ that would make cooking easier. Shellie will be starting a cleaning crew; in the last meeting, Patti and Ramona expressed interest in helping with that. Lisa to e-mail them when the cleaning date is set. Would like to have an Air Trailer training. Scott will train the group and the following members would like to learn: Herk, Larry H, and Lisa.
B. EMS Support (Serena) - Right now Serena is very busy with the 1st Responder training. She will focus on the EMS needs after the first of the year when things slow down.
C. Maintenance (Bonnie M) – Herk has a list of items to fix on the fleet and works steadily on it. He recruits help from the firefighters when he needs it and if they are hanging around the station. Bonnie would like to see a deep cleaning day every 3 months to keep up on the kitchen and along with the regular cleaning. Short discussion on the outside of the building and landscaping.
D. Technology- No report
E. Public Events/Education (Lisa)-The Fire Department has gone on three fire safety presentations to various pre-schools this last month. Lisa has applied for a grant to create props to bring to the presentations or set up at the station so the children can be interactive and practice what they are taught. If we get the grant, the Support Services can help with building, painting and props, making it a “State Farm Fire Safety House”.
VI. Open Forum – Larry H. has been in contact with his nephew regarding grants and will give Lisa a copy of the information he has sent.
VII. Next Meeting Schedule – There will not be a Support Services meeting in December only the Christmas Dinner Feast on December 4th. In January, the meeting is moved to January 8, 2014 due to New Year’s Day.
VIII. Adjourn- There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:28 p.m.